How to reset a circuit breaker.

From time to time circuit breakers in your home will trip. This may be because the circuit has been overloaded. Prior to trying to reset the breaker ensure that you unplug the appliances that were plugged into the circuit. Once you’ve unplugged everything from the circuit it’s time to head down to your circuit breaker panel.

The first thing that you are looking for is a breaker handle that’s in the middle or tripped position. The handle will feel loose or “spongy”.

Once you have located the tripped circuit breaker follow the following steps to reset it:

  1. Push the handle of the circuit breaker all the way to the off position.

  2. Once the breaker is in the off position, push the breaker’s handle all the way back to the on position.

  3. You’re done! If the breaker continues to trip, it’s time to call in your electrician.

Call ElecTrade at 519-648-ELEC(3532) with any questions or if you need service.
